Viewer Question:
I can’t shake the feeling that I’m lazy. It’s just an inner feeling that seems so real to me. My dad, who I no longer have a good relationship with, used to accuse me of this when I was growing up. It bothered me then and, even now, in the face of abundant evidence to the contrary, I still feel lazy. I work all the time. In fact, I feel uneasy when I’m not working. It’s very difficult for me to switch off work mode. I’m relatively successful and I wish I could enjoy my success more. But there’s this constant impulse to keep going, to do more all the time. It feels like I’ve never done enough. It’s a feeling like, if I take my foot off the gas, something bad will happen and I’ll lose what I’ve managed to achieve. I know it makes no sense, but why can’t I get rid of the feeling?
- The belief is not that your behaviour is ‘lazy’.
- It’s a belief that YOU are lazy (at your core, fundamentally, existentially).
- Ask, who believes ‘I am lazy’?
- The False Image (subpersonality) or persona beliefs it.
- It is not YOU that believes it!
- You can watch the judgement taking place. You observe it. Therefore, it cannot be YOU!