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Introduction to Procrastination Course

Introduction to Procrastination Course

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Over 4 Hours (14 Core Video Sessions)

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Introduction to Procrastination Course


Who is this course for? How can it help? What can you except? This is the first video in our procrastination course. 

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Bad advice on Procrastination


(why the 'hustle' and 'grind' mentality doesn't work)

Let's jump right into our goal of overcoming procrastination. In our first video, we'll discuss the outline of this programme in detail. We'll also discuss:

  • Exactly what you need to do.

  • What it feels like to procrastinate.

  • The importance of creating a new type of language/self-talk.

  • Why you've struggled to solve this issue (the bad advice on how to stop procrastinating)

  • The fact that you already know ‘what’ to do. The issue is simply that something is blocking you from doing it.

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Why you think you are lazy 


(understanding the roots of this outdated concept)

In solving your issue with procrastination, we need a little background knowledge first. In this video, we'll look at:

- The importance of beliefs (and why incorrect beliefs make us procrastinate)

- The central principle that Action is an ‘effect’ and not a ‘cause’

- The 3-levels of motivation

- The 2 theories of beliefs (the lie and the truth)

- Seeds – the root cause of the problem of procrastination

Why you continue to believe you are lazy

Why you continue to believe you are lazy


(understanding programming)

In this video we touch on a vital aspect of the programme - the fact that you have a choice in what you choose to believe. Again, this is leading to the solution later in the programme. This sets the scene for the exercises to come that will be fundamental in ending procrastination for good.

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The Lazy mind VS the Bossy mind 


(The cause of all indecision)

In this video, we really start to understand why you procrastinate. We look at the inner struggle that takes place in your mind when you're procrastinating. There are essentially two parts to the mind - the lazy mind and the bossy mind. We'll look at how to end this inner conflict by introducing the idea of the 'compassionate mind'. It is here that everything starts to shift. 

We'll also look at how procrastination has a detrimental effect on your self-esteem by looking at examples of how it plays out in real life. This one is essential viewing.

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Examining ‘have to do’ things


(the early roots of the internalized bully) 

In our next video on how to overcome procrastination, we examine a core belief in the procrastination mindset - the belief that you 'HAVE TO' do certain things in life. This is a debilitating concept to hold when it comes to personal productivity and freedom.

In this video, we'll also be looking at:

  • The role of self-esteem and how vitally important it is to ending procrastination.

  • When procrastination begins in life (understanding how it manifests itself in childhood and that we now have a choice to take back our power).

  • How procrastination destroys self-esteem (continuing to procrastinate is why you continue to feel bad about yourself).

The top 7 myths that suppoer procrastina

Top 7 myths that support procrastination 


(drop the programming)

To move past procrastination, we'll be radically changing how we talk to ourselves. We'll be making an entirely new story about our relationship to personal productivity and achievement. To do this, we need to look at the mistakes people in language when trying to self-motivate. In this video we'll look at the top 7 myths that procrastinators believe are helpful, but which are actually detrimental to taking action. We'll look at:

  • The myth that if you take more action, this will make you a better person (this is wrong because your value as a person is already firmly established and relies on nothing external).

  • The myth that 'success' is the most important thing in life. While there is nothing wrong with success, putting it on a pedestal actually leads to paralysis. We need a more balanced indifference to start taking consistent action.

  • The myth that all action we take should lead to progress. This is important to debunk as the only thing that matters is showing up and trying. Failures experienced after action is a natural (and hugely useful) part of achievement.

  • The Myth that you need to have 'credentials' to take action. This is a subtle myth which actually causes procrastination. We'll discuss how you are always ready to move forward and never have to wait.

  • The myth that you need to make detailed plans for taking action. This one is hugely important and it is a common mistake which leads to procrastination.

  • The myth that you have to put in long hours and work yourself into the ground (hint, this devastating to motivation).

  • The myth that you have to sacrifice pleasures in life to become disciplined. Of all the myths that need to be debunked, this is by far the biggest.

The story technique

The story technique


(how to speak to the procrastination mindset)

Here, we look at practical exercises you'll be using to overcome procrastination. To begin, we look at the fundamental, daily exercise I want you to start implementing. We'll talk about:

  • How using a 'story' is the most effective way to change your self-talk.

  • Why affirmations are not effective.

  • The importance of consistency in implementing this exercise daily. 

  • An example of what the 'story' of a procrastinator typically looks like.

  • An example of a different type of 'story' you can use as a template while you draft and create your own 'story'.

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Alternatives to ‘the story’ technique


(adding to your tool belt)

In this video, we'll look at some alternative exercises you can add to your tool belt in overcoming procrastination. While your story will be the primary tool you'll use (at least for the first few months), these tools can be invaluable additions at certain times. You'll learn about:

  • Gratitude listing

  • The 'wouldn't it b nice if' technique

  • The importance of journalling

  • The success/failure forgiveness technique

Tackling Painful Thought as They Come Up

Tackling painful thoughts as they come up 


(How to spot self-deception)
This video is one final tool you can utilize to deal with the negative emotions that can come up that can lead to procrastination. Here, I introduce you to 'the work' of Byron Katie. This simple, profound, 4-step technique allows you to drop limiting or painful beliefs within minutes (given you have an open mind and willingness to be self-compassionate).

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The 5 steps of planning effectively


(why fun is a serious business)

This, in terms of practical planning steps you'll be taking, is one of the most important videos in this course. In this video on overcoming procrastination, we'll look at:

This, in terms of practical planning steps you'll be taking, is one of the most important videos in this course. In this video on overcoming procrastination, we'll look at:

  • The importance of scheduling 'guilt free' fun.

  • An example of procrastinators typically plan.

  • The importance of framing each action step as small and achievable.

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The biggest secret of all 


(the technique that 100% ends all procrastination)

In this vital video on overcoming procrastination, we look at one of the most important concepts of all. We examine the hidden reason we continue to choose procrastination. Then, we examine how we can use this information to our advantage. We discuss:

  • How to develop the 'now or never' attitude.

  • How this approach is always a win/win

  • How to start using this approach (initially it's a little scary).

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Simplifying with your delegate 


(How to deal with things that don't matter)

In this video on procrastination, we look at why we tend to feel either overwhelmed or deprived when working towards a goal. The fundamental ideas we examine here is that people are never good at multi-tasking (contrary to what you may have heard). By taking on too many tasks, we feel overwhelmed and paralysed. But by denying that we want to do multiple things, we become disheartended. How do we solve this? Id this video, I'll introduce you to the biggest helper you'll ever have in this world - your delegate. You'll learn:

  • How to achieve balance while working towards a single goal.

  • How to never lose focus.

  • How to gain momentum effortlessly (no stress).

  • How to have a lot more fun (guilt free) while working towards your primary goal.

case Study- Looking at people who get th

Case studies


(Looking at people who get the new paradigm)
In this video, we'll examine case studies from people who have achieved their goals and learned to take massive action without procrastination being an issue. Will I may not agree 100% with the approaches they have taken, they demonstrate enough of the correct mentality to make success a reality.




(First steps for immediate effect)
Congratulations on completing the 14 fundamental videos of this course on procrastination. In this final video, we put all we've learned together and consider some of the 'bigger picture' questions. Remember, more videos based on your questions are added regularly as bonus material.

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Why you struggle to have fun 


In this bonus video, we discuss a problem many people face when implementing this program - the inability to have fun. This may sound strange, but it's a very real issue. Do not underestimate this issue if you are having issues with procrastination. The solution involves stillness and some experimentation.

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